Grand Island 毕业 Checklist

大岛校区毕业典礼将于5月10日(星期五)上午10点举行.m. 在 Heartland Events Center, 700 E Stolley Park Rd, Grand Island. The ceremony will last approximately an hour and a half (1½ hrs).

毕业生 – Please Let us Know if You Plan to Attend Commencement

RSVP deadline has passed

Contact Cristina Castillo for more information

Heartland Events Center

The Heartland Events Center enforces a Clear Bag Policy 这限制了可以带入场馆的袋子的大小和类型. Read their Clear Bag Policy 在这里.

哈特兰活动中心是一个无障碍设施,受《全世界最大的网赌网址》(ADA)第二章的约束。. 根据美国残疾人法和适用法规的要求,该设施是可访问的. 如果你想和某人谈谈毕业典礼所需的住宿, please contact Kim Ottman at 308-398-7423 or by e-mail at


Cap and Gown

Hunter Green cap, 流苏和长袍可以在任何时候在大岛校园福莱特书店购买. Cost for the regalia is $41.00 +税. Additional tassels are $5.00 each + tax. If you have additional questions, or are unable to pick up your regalia, please call Follett Bookstore at 308-398-7418. NOTE: T在这里 will be a fee of $9.99美元,除了你的徽章的费用,邮寄给你的物品. Free in-store pickup at any CCC Bookstore.

If necessary, arrangements can be made to deliver tassels, 帽, 礼服, 并通知住在科尔尼和列克星敦的学生. 科尔尼学生通过电话308-338-4055或通过电子邮件联系卡拉格林沃尔特 莱克星顿的学生可以通过电话308-338-4080或通过电子邮件联系艾米·希尔


*Please wear proper attire for graduation. 这包括你可以轻松地在水泥地板和上下坡道上行走的鞋子.*

Commencement Rehearsal

Rehearsal for graduation will be held at 8:30 a.m. sharp on (Friday, May 10) graduation day. 所有的毕业生都必须参加整个排练. The doors to the Events Center will be closed during the rehearsal. Doors will be opened at 9:30 a.m. for family and friends to be seated.

哈特兰活动中心是一个无障碍设施,受《全世界最大的网赌网址》(ADA)第二章的约束。. 根据美国残疾人法和适用法规的要求,该设施是可访问的. 如果你想和某人谈谈毕业典礼所需的住宿, please contact Kim Ottman at 308-398-7423 or by e-mail at

毕业 Invitations

参加毕业典礼的学生将收到10张免费的毕业请柬. 邀请函将在正常办公时间(上午8:00 -下午4:30)从位于大岛评估办公室(348室)的Cristina Castillo处领取。.

Honor Medallions

Honor medallions will be awarded to those students earning an AAS, AA或AS, and have attained a cumulative grade point average of 3.75 or above. 资格基于秋季学期的累积GPA(包括在夏季学期完成的学生)。. 学生必须参加毕业典礼才能获得荣誉奖章.

Phi Theta Kappa

Phi Theta Kappa (PTK)会员的好处之一是在每年的大学毕业典礼上获得学术卓越的认可. 成绩良好的学员可佩带PTK毕业徽章,佩戴学士帽及学士服,提醒同学注意学业成绩. Active PTK members are given a PTK tassel, cord and stole to wear at commencement, and PTK officers receive an officer’s medallion. Please check with your advisor for your regalia. 额外的徽章可通过PTK在线商店购买,费用由会员支付. 强.org. Please be sure to place your order early enough for on time delivery. 学院行政和PTK分会将只允许分会干部佩戴双荣誉蓝 & Gold Cords for recognition and service to the chapter. 所有其他PTK分会成员将只允许佩戴金披肩和流苏.

The National Society of Leadership and Success (Sigma Alpha Pi)

毕业生, who are inducted members of Sigma Alpha Pi, The National Society of Leadership and Success, are responsible for ordering their own honors stole and cords at Please be sure to place your order early enough for delivery.


Order your NSLS honors stole and cords

SALUTE Honor Society

成为SALUTE荣誉协会会员的毕业生可以佩戴SALUTE荣誉勋章. 电子邮件 或致电VMRC 308-398-7811了解更多有关如何获得荣誉的信息.

Veterans and Military Members Honor Cord

As a token of CCC’s appreciation of service and dedication, 所有即将毕业的退伍军人和现役军人都会被打红, 白色和蓝色退伍军人欣赏荣誉绳佩戴与他们的毕业徽章. Complete the form below to register for an honor cord. 电子邮件 or call the VMRC at 308-398-7811 for further information.

Register for the Veterans and Military 毕业 Honor Cord


我们将有一位专业摄影师在毕业典礼上拍摄每个毕业生获得学位和/或文凭的照片. 一旦注册办公室核实了你的毕业状态,CCC全世界最大的网赌网址办公室将把这些邮寄给你. 请注意, the verification process could take a couple of months, thus you should expect to receive the picture at a later time.

Contact Cheri Beda, 校友 Director with any questions at or 402-460-2157

Degrees and Diplomas

当你在毕业典礼上打开学位文件夹时发现里面是空的,不要惊慌. Final grades are due several days after the ceremony, t在这里fore your final academic credit check will take place after that. If you are completing your requirements in May, 你可以期待你的学位和/或文凭的邮件在六月底. If you are a summer graduate, 你可以在九月初寻找你的学位和/或文凭. (如果你在12月获得学位/文凭,你应该已经获得了.)

*请注意*: If you have an outstanding balance with the student accounts office, 你将无法访问你的成绩单,你的学位将不会邮寄给你,直到所有剩余的余额全部支付. 与学生会计办公室联系,处理任何未偿余额.



Career and 就业 Services

You are also encouraged to join the CCC online job board 这样你就可以看到地区雇主为CCC学生和毕业生发布的招聘信息. 您可以创建一个“学生”或“校友”会员的帐户,两者都可以. If you would like personal help with your job search, 一定要和职业和就业服务主任预约. You can contact them at

